Ll Leaf Day 2

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I was very busy this day preparing for the women’s retreat i was going to that weekend so i failed to write up my assessment page that i usually post here but i did manage to take some pictures. Here they are:


This game wasn’t exactly how the curriculum had you do it but my way was more challenging for her. I got out the textured letters of the words she had learned in past weeks and put them on the left side as you can see. Then i got out her sound discrimination cards from those weeks and mixed them up. Then she drew a card one at a time and put the card next to the textured card that it matched with. She really liked doing this and got all but a couple correct. The ones she missed i repeated just the sound of the letter it goes with and she found which letter herself :)
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Pattern matching
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Decorating her letter of the week.
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Making her ‘Ll’ book.
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Look how great she is doing tracing! So Proud of her!
Pattern making
Decorating her letter of the week

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