NSPA Creation Day 6

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Subject: Creation Day 6, People and Animals, Letters ‘Aa-Nn’
Bible Verse Of The Day: Genesis 1:24-31
Skills Practiced: Cut and paste, coloring, listening, counting, and capital and lowercase letter recognition.

Today was WAY easier on the alphabet games. I decided to take a chill pill and just try to make it fun. It is a game after all and plus kids learn better when it’s relaxed and fun. There is still so much for me to learn as a homeschooling mom! Anyways she did great and even Abby joined in and got a couple right!

This is where we paused to go to the MOPs playgroup at the park. After lunch with everyone we stopped by the Salvation Army to look for some books or magazines that had pictures of animals in them to use for her creation page. This is what we found:
So she searched through the magazines to find pictures of animals. This made her very excited, bouncing in her seat.
I had her cut out the sky and hills and glue them on. Then i had her draw Adam and Eve. I cut out her people and animals and then she glued them on her picture.
Adam has red hair and Eve has purple hair and pink lips…. “cause girls have to have pink lips!”. She also made Eve hold the chicken and Adam hold an egg.
Curriculum Used: My Father’s World God's Creation From A To Z

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