NSPA Creation Day 9

Subject: Creation Day 9, God Made Vs. Man Made, Letters ‘Aa-Zz’
Skills Practiced: Listening, counting, and capital and lowercase letter recognition.

Project of the day was to make a poster board of things that God made on one side and what man made on the other. Daddy took the girls outside to collect what they could find of trinkets to put on their boards.
Anabel’s collected items:
I had bought this folding poster board yesterday at wal-mart for her. Then i gave them a selection of scrapbook paper to pick some for the background of their posters.
Then they took turns handing me things they had collected outside for me to super glue them on to the board in the spots they specified. Leaf, rock, stick, bark, acorn, grass, feather and flower petals, bits of wrappers they found and left over fire works.
Then we got some magazines out and they found more man made things they wanted on their board. Anabel cut out her magazine pieces herself while i had to pretty much do it for Abby.
Anabel’s board:
Abby’s collected items:
Abby’s board:20130831_16584620130831_165853
Curriculum Used: My Father’s World God's Creation From A To Z

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