NSPA Update - My Fathers World Kindergarten and First Grade

Recap of our school year so far since I have been slacking on writing posts.
We have had a fun full year so far. Although we are ‘behind’ the schedule I laid out for myself. See before I started our year I spent a lot of time planning our school calendar. I gave lots of days off and planned when we should roughly finish our school weeks and I even planned field trips and such….. and the I got pregnant…..
My first trimester was very difficult and we hardly did any school. I was so stressed out by this. If I had stayed on my schedule we would have been done or almost done with our school year before the baby was born…. now, well that won’t be happening. I am trying to catch up, doing school on Saturdays and on most of the days I scheduled us off but there is no way we will end when I had originally planned.
I’ve read lots of homeschooling articles about not setting a schedule like that, not setting when your school year will end because their will be things that crop up and mess that schedule all up. I thought I had been very generous with our schedule leaving lots of wiggle room for sick days and days we have family event and such but I did not have a pregnancy contingency plan lol
These last few weeks I have gotten rid of the stress I had about being behind and have decided to just push on and make the most of the future. Sure this year will take a ton longer then I had hoped. The baby will be born and I’m sure there will be a long break from school there too and we will have to do school in the summer as well which I had wanted to have off for the kids…. but the kids love school so much that I doubt they will mind. We will make the most of it and they will eventually get this year done. Another thing I use to comfort myself is that we started the girls a year ahead so if we fall ‘behind’ some, they won’t really be behind the normal public school kids since they are ahead at this point.
But here are some snippets of the year so far:

Curriculum Used: My Father’s World KindergartenMy Father's World First Grade

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