Uu Us Day 3

We have been on a unfortunate break from school the last couple of days because of a bug going about the house. Today I felt good enough to get up and do school today even though it took longer then usual.
Anabel continued to memorize her Proverbs 29:11 memory verse and she almost has it memorized!

In English today Anabel worked on spelling of the ‘or’ and ‘ar’ words she learned the other day and also learned about ‘ir’, ‘er’ and ‘ur’. She picked this up very easy and was super happy that she was able to sound out some 6 letter words. Go Anabel!

Today we reread the parts of the books explaining the different sense of the body and then we did some work sheets to go with it. This was Anabel’s page which she got to pick on sense that she thought would be cool if it was a ‘Super Sense’ and then she drew a picture to go with it.

We continued the abstract warm-up lesson today and moved on to level 2 of the exercise. They are given certain instructions like ‘draw 4 straight lines’ or ‘draw a curved like that must touch one of your dots and end at the edge of your page’ ect. This is their different interpretations of the instructions.


Next we moved on to Bible History.
They are having them learn a map which we will learn what area this map is of tomorrow.
For the girls to remember it they have a little story. Each part of the story represents a shape on the map. I told the story and drew the map.

Then the girls took turns tracing the map as I retold the story.
-Abby’s trace map

-Anabel’s traced map
-Abby’s from memory
Then for the next step in memorizing the map I was to hide the map and they were to redraw it and tell me the story as they drew it
-Anabel’s from memory
Other things we did were:
We read about Rams and what lesson God might want us to learn from the Rams, which was to think before we act and use words instead of fighting when we are angry and  when someone is treating us badly, how we should react back.
Then Abby had a math page to do.
Abby also did some sounding out exercises and then a page where she actually had to read some words. She did great Smile

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