NSPA Creation Day 2

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Subject: Creation Day 2, Separation of the Waters, Letters ‘Aa-‘Dd’
Bible Verse Of The Day: Genesis 1:6-8
Skills Practiced: Cut and paste, coloring, listening, counting, and capital and lowercase letter recognition.
(Cracks me up watching how she moves her mouth when she is concentrating hard LOL)
I cut pompoms in half and they fall apart easily. That is what the clouds are made out of since i didn’t have any cotton balls.
Matthew was my little side kick afterwards when i sat to write up my evaluation which i do right after schooling. Mark down her strengths and problem areas during that session and also leave a section at the bottom so i can add more if we do extra schooling later in the day. Then i print it and put it in her binder with her work sheets.
Curriculum Used: My Father’s World God's Creation From A To Z

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