School Prep 2013

Every Unit/Week is separated.

Our record books adorned with our handy dandy logo! Hehe Yeah i be slapping that thing on to much stuff…. but oh well! The pink one is Anabel’s.20130816_142659-120130816_142716
On the backs of the binders i put Psalms 96.

Calendar Prep:

I looked up our local district calendar and used it as a base for the days off and such.
But i left everything customizable so i could use it for years to follow. Date, school days, holidays, everything is easy to change by hiding a few layers or editing some of the text.
Each school day is indicated by this image:
NSPA Elementary SchoolOn those days i have ‘Units’ on the top of the each school day for me to record the unit and day we are on. Example: ‘Unit: 2-5’ would be unit 2, day 5.
I also worked on our record books a little more. I got the calendar i made printed off and into my teacher’s binder. I also filled out a ‘student evaluation’ sheet for kindergarteners. Figured it would be smart to do that at the beginning of the year, then maybe middle and of course at the end as well. Instead of having the book lists in the folder box i decided to put them in my teacher’s binder.

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