Things Close to the Ground - Worms - MFW 1st Grade - Week 1

3:32 PM

Week 1 - Day 4
'Silent Heroes'

For worm day today we were able to get some hands on action. I bought two types of worms, big reds and Canadian night-crawlers. I also bought these clear plastic containers from the garden section (very cheap). My thought was to put a smaller container into the bigger one in hopes of seeing the worms more easily. This did not accomplish that at all lol. I also poked small holes into the center container so i could put water into the center and it would slowly leak into the dirt. We put some grass seed on top. I most likely will take the center out and let the kids to to play with the worms later before putting the worms in the garden.

Worm life cycle

Our worm notebook pages

Then we drew a worm picture and then painted it with watercolors.

How to draw worms HERE



In the evening my other supplies came. Our math books, Abby's language book and some Indian paper dolls.


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