NSPA Creation Day 4

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Subject: Creation Day 4, Sun, Moon & Stars, Letters ‘Aa-Hh’
Bible Verse Of The Day: Genesis 1:14-19
Skills Practiced: Cut and paste, coloring, listening, counting, and capital and lowercase letter recognition.
For the first 10 days of the curriculum which are on Creation, you introduce the alphabet to them, a few letters each day. On day 4 we are on ‘Aa-Hh’. For these 10 days before you start the letter games you get the letters they have learned and the ones you are introducing and show them one at a time and them what they are.
Then you get into the games:
MFW gives you the printed cards which you cut out at the beginning. I laminated mine so they stay nice longer. I also simply made this sheet of paper for the game and laminated it as well.
So for this game you show them a card one at a time and ask them to tell you what it is. If they get it right it goes in the ‘I know these’ pile. If they don’t get it you tell what it is (I have her repeat it 3 times after me if she missed it) and then it goes in the ‘I need to learn these’ pile.
When you get through all the cards you pick up the ‘I need to learn these’ pile and go through them again. You can do this as many times as you want but i would suggest to pay attention to you child and not over do it.
The other game you start by singing the ABC song and teaching your child to point to the corresponding letter as they sing it.
Then the game starts:
You ask them to find a letter (one they have learned so far. Like on day 4 it would be Aa-Hh) They put their button on the one they think it is. If they are right i write the letter they got correct on a dry erase board. If they get it wrong you have them sing the ABC song and have the follow the letters as they sing, until they figure out where the letter is. If they still are not getting where the letter is, you then write it on the dry erase board and have them find the one you wrote on their alphabet chart.
 Pictures of the day:20130826_08361220130826_08361920130826_084252
She’s been big into ‘sunsets’ she has colored her number 2 & 4 with sunsets. Pink sky, orange clouds. I really like it hehe
Now the last project of the day that they have you do during the creation section of the curriculum is make a page of what God created on that corresponding day. By the end of the 10 day creation section they have you use all the pages you made to make a Creation Book. They tell you a basic way of making the page but i tend to try and do something differently.
For pages 3 & 4 they tell you to draw the shapes and then color them with crayons.
Instead for page 3 she drew the water, hill and trees. I had her color these and then we used flower stamps to make the flowers and then we used paint and a paint brush for her to paint the fruit onto the trees.
This time for page 4 i had her trace a circle and a couple different sizes of triangles on yellow paper and then had her cut them out for the sun. I ended up cutting out the moon because she was tired of cutting after all the sun shapes.
We used star stickers. Then used glue and glitter on the moon and sun and used yellow glitter on the sun and white glitter on the moon. I think this was more fun for her then just using crayons. Each kid is different though but i knew she would love using stickers and glitter :)
Matthew playing in his walker during school :)
I don’t force Abby to do much school right now. She’s only 3yr. She does join in on the bible reading/discussion and in learning the ‘My Father’s World’ song. For most of the time she watches an educational video on netflix and then goes and plays.
When we get into the ‘unit’ section of the curriculum i have a lot more she will be doing with us.
When she saw the picture Anabel made for her creation book she wanted to do some art too.
Curriculum Used: My Father’s World God's Creation From A To Z

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