NSPA Creation Day 5

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Subject: Creation Day 5, Sea & Sky Animals, Letters ‘Aa-Kk’
Bible Verse Of The Day: Genesis 1:20-23
Skills Practiced: Cut and paste, coloring, listening, counting, and capital and lowercase letter recognition.

I had a hard time with the letter games today. She wanted to do the art instead of learning her letters which if this happens again we might take a break or let her to the art first and letters later. Today i made her still do the letter games and it was difficult because she was not in it at all.
These first 10 days they introduce the letters quickly where as when the units start after the 10 days of creation section, they spend a whole week on one letter which i think will be really good for her. So far introducing 2-3 new ones a day seems to be going over her head but she is getting some right and each day she gets one or two more right. I’m looking forward to one new letter a week when the units start. I think this will help drill it in.
Today for the creation page they say to have the student draw animals and birds. We tried that and she by means could draw any of the animals :| So instead I reverted to printing off some that she picked and having her color them. I cut the animals out but she cut the sky, water and the page banner out and then she glued them all on. She wanted to add some glitter too.
Curriculum Used: My Father’s World God's Creation From A To Z

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