Ss Sun Day 1

20130903_111352Unit ‘Ss’

Facts learned about the Sun:
  1. All living things on Earth are dependent on the sun to stay alive.All life on Earth needs the sun to thrive and grow. Plants need sunlight to grow. Humans need plants, or animals that eat plants, to stay alive.
  2. The sun is a star.The sun is a star, but appears to be much larger because it is so close to earth. The sun is a star--similar to many of the stars we see in the night sky. Compared to other stars we know about, the sun is a medium-sized star.
  3. The sun is the largest object in our solar system.The sun is larger than all of the planets.
  4. The sun is incredibly hot.
  5. All of the planets in our solar system revolve around the sun.The Earth, as well as other planets such as Mars, Venus, Saturn, and Jupiter, move around the sun.
  6. The four seasons on Earth are determined by how close the Earth is to the sun.Each year, as the Earth revolves around the sun, the seasons change. It is hottest in the summer when it is closest to the sun. However, it is not always the same seasons on all parts of Earth. Some parts of the Earth are closer to the sun at different times.
Anabel’s Extra Activities:
  1. Watched a sun surface video
  2. Sun coloring page
  3. Sun practices writing page
  4. Looking at solar system pictures
  5. Did 'SNOWMAN' and 'snowman' letter finding page
  6. Did snowman lace game
  7. Did snowman size matching game
  8. Did ABC puzzle
  9. Read two books from the Ss book basket
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  1. Snowman lace game
  2. Shape tracing
  3. Letter Ss tracing
  4. Snowman size matching
  5. Snowman color page
  6. Read two books from the Ss book basket
Extra Activities:
  1. Sun color page
  2. ABC puzzle
  3. Watched a video about the sun's surface
  4. Did counting chart
  5. Did calendar
  6. Did Ss flashcards
  7. Did Ss sand shapes
  8. Looked at pictures of the solar system
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Curriculum Used: My Father’s World KindergartenLetter Of The Week Preschool

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