Ii Insect Day 1

Memory verse for this week:
I am the way and the truth and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through Me.
John 14:6

Day 1 - Ii Insect / Ii Inchworm

Anabel: (kindergarten) 

  • Calendar
  • Counting Chart/Straws
  • Introduced Letter Ii And It's Sound
  • Flashcards
  • Aa-Apple Song
  • Picture Card Page
  • 4 Kumon Simple Addition Pages
  • Memory Verse & Veggie Tales Devotion
  • Book Reading:  If You Give A Cat A Cupcake, Inch by Inch

Extra Activities:
  • 'I' decorating
  • Counting Puzzle
  • Ii Tracing Page
  • Watched 'Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Kids DVD

Abigail: (preschool)

  • Calendar
  • Counting Chart/Straws
  • Introduced Letter Ii And It's Sound
  • Flashcards
  • Aa-Apple Song
  • Lowercase and Capital Letter Disk Letter Matching Page
  • Ii Puzzle
  • Inchworm Lacing Page
  • Memory Verse & Veggie Tales Devotion
  • Book Reading:  If You Give A Cat A Cupcake, Inch by Inch

Extra Activities:
  • 'I' decorating
  • ABC Puzzle
  • Watched 'Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Kids DVD

Today i decided to try and let Abby write some letters on her own without tracing them. She did awesome! I'm so proud of her!

In other school related news:

The other day i rearranged the office/school room. I decided to make it more dedicated to schooling rather then sewing/my crafts. It was to crowded and messy with everything jammed in the this room. So instead i sadly packed up all my sewing things and relocated them to the spare room closet. If i'm honest with myself i really didn't have time to do much sewing anyways and i still can sew it will just take a lot more work locating everything. I was sad to do it but also excited to get the school room decongested. I spend way more time doing school related activities anyways.

Today was our first day in our 'new' class room (at least it almost feels new to me in a way)

It's the first official day back to school for the public schools but we did a couple days of school last week to try and catch up a little. We are behind some from the schedule i made because there has been a LOT of sick days this last month. I'm soooo praying that is behind us now! (crossing fingers)

If there is no missed day from here on out then that means we have 9 days to make up if we want to finish on the same day as the public schools, ugh. I just hope no more sick days! I'm not to stressed about it, i mean we are homeschooling so we could go all year if we wanted! (which i'm sure the girls would LOVE lol) I can hear it now during summer time "I'm bored, can we do school? Please?" because i already hear it on any breaks we take. I'm not very exciting is one problem, i need to be more active with our down time :\

Some added things i've incorporated into our school day is a couple gifts the girls got this last month.
A relative gave Anabel the '365 Very Veggie Devos for Girls' book. I am so grateful to have a devotional book! I can't believe i didn't think of getting something like this for the girls (but glad i didn't since they got this). On the chore boards i have a 'devotional' section but until now i wasn't to sure how to approach it. The girls love reading this Veggie Tales book. The book has been talking about accepting Jesus into your heart and about living for him and we get some awesome talks that start from the things we read. It's short and nice! Today the girls asked Jesus to come into their hearts. As a mother that is an awesome time to share with your kids and it makes me so happy to see their pure, loving little hearts. While I think this is WONDERFUL i also look at it as an awesome start to their future relationship with God. I believe that only true salvation comes once they are old enough to truly comprehend and understand they are sinners and Jesus came down and died on the cross for their sins and can be truly repentant. I'm not sure at what age that comes, and i know it's different for each child but i just feel blessed that their heart is being prepared now for that.
Another book which Anabel started is the 'Kumon Book of Simple Addition' that she got as a Christmas present. LOVED getting school supplies for gifts btw (Thank you Aunt Jessica!) and so did the girls! I'm having her do 4 pages each day with her schooling. I don't know if it's a fluke or if the book has helped already but she is already doing better on numbers '13-19' which she had a really hard time with before.

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