My Father's World First Grade - Restaurant Week

This upcoming week, for math, we will be setting up a restaurant. This will give us some hands on math experience. The curriculum said to make a menu for the restaurant and keep things priced with in 10¢. All orders should be 10¢ or below. I decided to use my computer to make them a nice menu.

(download full size image)

I made the menu around what play food they have. Of course they have a lot more play food then this but i didn't want to get overly complicated.
We will take turns being customers, waitress and cook (to include my second daughter)

The menu's logo:

I'm looking forward to this :) I think they will adore it!

Next week will be our 'grocery shop' week so i plan on making some tags and images for that too. I have been collecting empty food boxes and containers for this.

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