NSPA First Grade Week 8 – Kindergarten Tt Turtle

The kids ended up being a couple ‘weeks’ apart because the kindergarten has a creation portion at the beginning of the curriculum that Abigail went through that Anabel didn’t have to. So when Abigail started the ‘weeks’ in her curriculum Anabel had already. So Abigail is not behind at all, she really is on the same track as Anabel but the weeks read different, incase that was confusing.
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(watching the educational video about sea turtles)
After school today they went outside to play. Abby informed me that they were making turtle nests in the hole they dug Smile

First Grade Week 8

Memory verse:
This week:
Science: Rain/Weather
Math: Focusing on addition up to 10

English: Learned the long ‘u’ sound.
Math: Adding up to 8
Art: Turtle coloring page, Drawing With Children page 70
Science: Ready about rain, watched videos on sea turtles

“A cute bug sat on the mule”
Her last page in her ‘Animal Tales’ assignment.

Abstract design warm-up lesson


Kindergarten Week 6 – Tt Turtle

Flash card memory phrase:
English: Learned the Tt sound.
Math: Pattern blocks 6
Art: Turtle coloring page, Drawing With Children page 70, made turtles with with play dough
Science: Ready about rain, watched videos on sea turtles
Abby took part in Anabel’s abstract art lesson as well Smile
For awhile while Anabel was doing her English lesson I had Abby go over to the light table and make turtles with play dough. She had lots of things to decorate their shells with but she preferred the silly eyes and mouth pieces I had hehe

Prep work:

Today I ordered a pack of turtles for a sensory bin I will make for the girls.
I think all three kids will love this Smile


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