NSPA School Supplies for Turtle and Us Units

I always get so excited was I see an Amazon box by my door Smile Today came my Shipment and it feels like it’s my birthday!
I got the package of turtles and started right away making the kids a sensory bin for tomorrows school:
It was a package of 12 turtles. Some were sea turtles and some were not.
I will fill the blue container with water when it’s time play Smile
Hopefully there is another things there for them to have a good time with!

Also what I am the most excited for is the items I bought for next weeks ‘Uu Us’ where we will be exploring and learning about our bodies. Last year when Anabel was in Kindergarten and we did this for the first time we had so much fun. We made little sound shakers from Easter eggs. I filled them with different things and they explored the different sounds. Then one day we focused on scents and our nose, another day was all about touch and then another was about sight. It was a lots of fun! On the day about touch we watched a YouTube video of Jiminy Cricket talk about our skin. They learned that there was blood in their skin and after that blood was the main thing they wanted to talk about hehe so we talked about the heart a lot.
This will be my second year teaching this unit and we will be able to take it a step further.
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I typically am a penny pincher and I know I can’t spend money like this on every week of school (although I wish I could, homeschooling supplies are so addicting!) but I know this was a HUGE week last year that they really were so intrigued by, so much so that I made Abigail a huge doctors kit for her 4th birthday (which we will be using during this week Smile) Also I figure I will be doing this unit again with at least two more kids, so it will get it’s use!

Super excited about this Pre-cute Flannel Board Human Body! Amazon had so many cool body models and I almost bought the ‘Squishy Head To Toe’ kit but I figured it might be to advanced for them (maybe in a year or two hehe) I went with the flannel board because I figured it was more their age group plus it’s a flannel board, totally cool! LOL The pieces are big and they can move them and layer them on…. I think I will learn a ton too!

Next purchase was The Magic School Bus: A Journey into the Human Body. I think they will love to do some of the experiments and I think this will be a great learning tool!

And last but not least I bought My First Human Body Book. I figured for $3.39 you can’t go wrong, right?

I’m really excited and I know they will be too Smile


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