NSPA Week 8 – Day 5 - Abstract Coloring

Day 5 for me is very relaxing. It’s the day I call exploration or play day. There isn’t a whole lot of assigned curriculum. I take this day to have them get caught up on anything we might have missed through out the week. Like this week Anabel had a math page we had forgotten so she was able to do that today. Since there isn’t a whole lot planned I like to find filler stuff for them to do. I print out extra stuff or coloring pages that are on the same subject line as the week. Sometimes we do crafts or experiments or some times I just send them outside to play after they get the little bit of assigned work done.
Anabel did several math pages, an I Spy turtle page I found online and what you will see below. Later she has a book she will read to me.
Abby did a writing practice page, I Spy turtle page, geometric shape page, several turtle coloring pages and the work you see below.
It’s definitely our lightest work days. Some days I have a ton of printed activities and sometimes it’s just a couple.

(Anabel’s page)

Then we took a blank turtle and I had them draw some designs in each area. I printed off some examples of different designs they could do and also encouraged them to make up their own.
Abby’s above
Anabel’s above

Then I printed off some abstract pages for them to color in with markers. I found some cool pages I will share with you:
Find the pages HERE
I want to color some of these myself! Lol

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These pages took a long time for them to finish. A good ender to our ‘persevere’ week hehe


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