Ii Insect and Ocean Week

So the night before we started the Ii Insect week I looked over the stuff I had. I had printed out a bunch of stuff a year ago and now was ready to use it. Since I only have a black and white printer I decided to color in the ‘book’ that I had printed. I stayed up till 12:30am in bed coloring lol. I only got one of the books done and decided that was it!
The next morning I realized I had a bunch of pages and games but no rules to them so I didn’t know how to teach them. There was a name on the bottom of the pages and I decided to type that into Google and see if I could find the printable I had printed these from.
What I found was more then I expected. I did find the rules to the game and a bunch of other printables. I ended up printed 190 pages that morning.
Where I got my printables: http://catalog.mathlearningcenter.org/free
I was excited about everything I found. Book, songs/poems, board games, math pages, geo board activities, pattern block pages, unifix cubes, geometric blocks ect.
I found pages on our ocean, insect, frog and butterfly weeks.
Somehow, some way I was able to cut, organize and put away all the papers I had printed and get this weeks curriculum together before lunch. We had lunch and then stated in on school.
The DIY ‘spinners’ worked great for the board games.
We did bingo and ‘Who will win?’ games.

Now for the individual things the girls did:



Geo board activities and copying our memory verse.
The bean of the day.
One of the song/poem books I had printed that morning. Taught facts about sharks. The girls held little shark toys while we read it.
For art we did a ‘Learn to draw’ Anna page. The girls did great!
The Bob Books that Anabel read for that day.
Today Anabel started her ‘Bible Notebook’ so she read the story in her Bible Reader and did the first page of the notebook. Then I read the more detailed version of it.



Pattern block pages and her math page. Counting with ants!
Abigail’s drawing of Anna
From the printables I printed that morning. Two books and a fact sheet about where certain bugs live.
Her work pages for the page. I didn’t take picture of the activities we did that had no pages with them.

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