Unit Mm Moon Prep
Successful day at the library!
My first trip wasn’t so pleasant as some of you might have read but slowly but surely i’m getting things worked out and learning my way around where it is starting to be easier!
First thing i did was go and get each other the girls their own library card. This allowed me to be able to rent more books which i greatly needed! My goal was to be able to check out two weeks worth of books so my trips into the library would be less.
Although while filling out the little sign up cards i messed up a ton! Man i make myself look like a total air head sometimes! (ok a lot of the time!) Maybe i am an air head? Anyways after several crossing out and rewriting i finally got all the info right and got the girls a card.
Before i even attempted to go to the library i went online and looked up all the books. Unlike last time where i used the ‘book list’ print out page from the library website (which failed to include ANY call number…. not sure what the point is then) i went through and copied all the info myself and made my own print out. My print out included a picture of the book, title, author and call numbers (big and bold) so i could find the books easier. I also made the print outs according to week letter so i could then put them in my teachers record book and be able to use them again if i needed.
This allowed me to find the books WAY easier!
My stack of ‘Mm’ books and movies. 10 books and 4 movies.
My stack of ‘Ll’ books for next week. 13 books.
Now i am covered for a couple weeks. YAY!
I already have prepped my school box with everything i should need for tomorrow. I do this every day after the school day is over so i have everything ready for the day before so there won’t be any rushing about, trying to find stuff.
I think i am all set for the Ll week! Looking forward to starting new letter material :)
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